2003 Caving
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Misc Pix 2004
PR Jan04
2003 Caving
Giant City June 2003
Ropes Mar-03
Caving Jan-03
Misc Pix 2002
Caving Nov-02
Rally02 & Misc
Ropes S-F 2002
Gym & Cave Mar02
Pine Ridge 01
Fun Rally 01
Little Scott Cave

The following pictures are from two different caving trips during 2003, one to our old friend Little Scott (Aug 23), and the other to Fence Post (Sep 27).  The pictures are courtesy of Joe Walker any errors in labeling folks are probably mine... let me know if I get someone wrong.

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Muddy back room of Little Scott

Bob J - Brianna - Jessie
Phillip - Drew - Sarah

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Drew & Jessie in Little Scott
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Brianna in Little Scott
Fence Post Cave
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Clean group before entering
Jeremy - Big Dave K - Dave K - David B - Bryan
Greg S - Justin S - Drew S - Saundra K - Brian W - Jessie W
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Getting started at Fence Post
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Jessie - Drew Jeremy
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"The After" group photo
Jessie - Jeremy - Drew - David - Bryan - Saundra - Dave
Justin - Greg
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Entrance to Cathedral cave @ Onondaga Cave State Park October-2003